Wednesday, September 30, 2009

7 Tips For a Natural Cure For Cancer

There has been much research for a natural cure for cancer as there has been increasing knowledge by people on the possibility of overcoming this dreadful disease.
Even though cancer is to be a common word that you come across a lot these days, and most of the people we know who die one of them will be due to cancer. Fret not, this is not an incurable disease. You will find here the 7 tips for a natural cure for cancer and if you are serious about it, you can help your love one recover. A natural way to cancer cure will be your goal.
1. Diet
The most important steps you need to take is to work on your diet. Based on research on people around the world who died from diseases, a high percentage of it is associated with the food we eat. By working on the root cause, you would conquer a major obstacles that is blocking your recovery and reduce your fats intake, eggs and red meats. Build up your body immune system by minimising the intake of food such as dairy products, meat, coffee and keep your body at optimum level. When your immune system is high, you will be able to fight the cancer cells in our body.
2. Low Fat
If you have a high fats intake, you will put yourself in high risk associated with cancer. Women who frequently consume milk with high content of saturated fats puts themselves in high risk of contracting breast cancer.
3. Fruit Juice
Take fruits which are high in Vitamin A content. Drink one to three glasses of carrot juice every day. This should be taken before your meal. Vitamin A is one of the most crucial helps to our body defense system which can help to fight our battle against cancer and prevent cancer growth. Carrot juice will be a good natural cure for cancer.
4. Water Intake
Our body consists of 70% of water and let's not forget this important theory of drinking at least 8 glasses of water. Go for distilled water that contains no minerals which will be more beneficial to our body health. If you exercise and loses water in perspiration, you will need to replenish it by drinking more water.
5. Exercise
Cultivate the good habit of doing some form of exercise on a regular basis. Exercise helps to renew your mind and keep you alert. You can start off with some form of brisk walking as a beginner and slowing increases your speed and distance. In the long run, you will build up your body strength and stamina. Take a walk at the park or reservoirs and inhale some form of pure fresh air. Make a point to exercise at least 3 to 5 times a week with each sessions of 45 minutes to an hour.
6. Sleep
Have a full 8 hours sleep every day and rest early for a good night rest. If you sleep late, your body will be feel so restless and no amount of sleep will help you to recharge.
7. Positive Mind
Cancer is not deadly so you should not stress yourself by worrying too much. Learn to relieve yourself from things that will make you down. You will need a sense of energy to keep you in good state and look at a brighter perspective. Only then you will be able to overcome a lot of obstacles that may be coming your way. These few pointers that i have listed down are some natural cure for cancer and will help you a long way in your journey with your fight with cancer.
Laura Lin offers informative knowledge on healing in the natural and healthy way to help to fight our journey against cancer. Visit Laura's website Miracle Cancer Treatment for useful tips and knowledge on your cure for cancer. Click Here
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Tuesday, September 29, 2009


How do living foods cure cancer? Well, technically they don't. But they can supply the ingredients for natural healing.

The theory behind eating raw living foods as a natural approach to curing cancer is very simple. Living foods provide the body what it needs to heal itself. In other words, it's not the food itself that does the healing. The right food, however, can provide the body's immune system with the materials it requires to reverse disease naturally.

There is a reason why you can find so many healing testimonials on the Internet about people who adopted a living food diet and saw their cancer go away. It has to do with the fact that there is a huge grassroots effort, made up of thousands of individuals, who discovered the truth about living food for themselves. After discovering it they just had to share it with the world.

Conventional medicine has a very poor track record for treating cancer. The routine treatment options, which includes things like drugs, surgery and chemo, are highly toxic to the body in themselves. Patients who undergo them routinely die of those treatments, not the cancer that motivated them to submit to the harsh procedures in the first place.

Choosing to eat the right plant-based diet offers a "nutritional option" for defeating cancer among those who do not wish to go the conventional medical route. When individuals choose to use diet as a tool for defeating cancer they discover that a cancer fighting diet is as much about avoiding toxic food as it is about ingesting the right food.

Many of the staple foods within a Standard American Diet are harmful to our health. Acquiring a disease such as cancer often motivates individuals to eliminate favorite types of foods that they would've never considered avoiding prior to getting a cancer diagnosis.

Take standard dairy products, for example. They're almost as harmful as cooked meat is to the body. Yet when living food advocates say this, most people are astounded. "Dairy is bad?" they ask. "How can that be? Don't we all need calcium in our body from dairy in order to have strong bones and teeth?"

Such questions are a monument to the marketing success of the dairy industry. The fact, however, is that standard dairy products are potentially very harmful to one's health.

The human body cannot readily process the calcium taken into it from dairy products. In addition, according to some researchers, the body often draws upon its existing calcium reserves in order to digest most commercially produced dairy products ... resulting in a net LOSS of calcium.

The human digestive process ends up excreting more calcium from the body than is taken in by the dairy food products one consumes. In other words, the body often ends up losing more calcium (via bodily excretions) than it takes in, resulting in a "negative" calcium effect whenever dairy products are consumed.

If this is true then it means just the opposite of what commercial advertisers want you to believe ... that you need processed dairy products in order to feed the body calcium. Thus, calcium depletion can occur as a result of consuming dairy products.

Have you ever heard this before?

Living food advocates often illustrate this by pointing to the fact that Americans are among the highest (if not THE highest) dairy consumers in the world ... yet they suffer among the highest rates of osteoporosis in the world. If drinking milk and consuming other dairy products builds strong bones and teeth then that shouldn't be the case.

Replacing dairy with plant-based sources for calcium, such as green leafy vegetables, is one example of how living foods give the body what it's been starving for - vital nutrients, enzymes, vitamins and minerals. These allow the body to do what it naturally wants to do, which is fight diseases.

On reason why there are still so many skeptics in this area, including many physicians, is that most people in our culture right now simply do not want to eat a diet that primarily consists of living foods. As a result, they've never witnessed or personally experienced the nearly incredible natural healing power of the body to reverse disease after its put on the right kind of diet. But those of us in the living food movement are working to change that.

A nutritional cure for diseases, including cancer, and some amazing healing stories are found in the book, "Living Food Cures." For a summary visit of its contents see ... Also, be sure to visit the site's blog for some incredible videos and other fascinating information.

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