Breast cancer is the most common malignancy in women and the second leading cause of cancer death, exceeded only by lung cancer in 1985. One woman in eight who lives to age 85 will develop breast cancer at some time during her life.
At present there are over 2 million women living in the United States who have been treated for breast cancer. About 41,000 women will die from the disease. The chance of dying from breast cancer is about 1 in 33. However, the rate of death from breast cancer is going down. This decline is probably the result of early detection and improved treatment.
Breast cancer is not just a woman’s disease. The American Cancer Society estimates that 1600 men develop the disease yearly and about 400 may die from the disease.
Breast cancer risk is higher among those who have a mother, aunt, sister, or grandmother who had breast cancer before age 50. If only a mother or sister had breast cancer, your risk doubles. Having two first-degree relatives who were diagnosed increases your risk up to five times the average.
Although it is not known exactly what causes breast cancer; sometimes the culprit is a hereditary mutation in one of two genes, called BRCA1 and BRCA2. These genes normally protect against the disease by producing proteins that guard against abnormal cell growth, but for women with the mutation, the lifetime risk of developing breast cancer can increase up to 80 percent, compared with 13 percent among the general population. In effect, more than 25 percent of women with breast cancer have a family history of the disease.
For women without a family history of breast cancer, the risks are harder to identify. It is known that the hormone estrogen feeds many breast cancers, and several factors – diet, excess weight, and alcohol consumption – can raise the body’s estrogen levels.
Early Signs
Early signs of breast cancer include the following:
- A lump which is usually single, firm and most often painless is detected.
- An area of the skin on the breast or underarm is swollen and has an unusual appearance.
- Veins on the skin surface become more prominent on one breast.
- The affected breast nipple becomes inverted, develops a rash, changes in skin texture, or has a discharge other than breast milk.
- A depression is found in an area of the breast surface.
Types and Stages of Breast Cancer
There are many different varieties of breast cancer. Some are fast-growing and unpredictable, while others develop more slowly and steady. Some are stimulated by estrogen levels in the body; some result from mutation in one of the two previously mentioned genes - BRCA1 and BRCA2.
Ductal Carcinoma In-Situ (DCIS): Generally divided into comedo (blackhead), in which the cut surface of the tumor shows extrusion of dead and necrotic tumor cells similar to a blackhead, and non-comedo types. DCIS is early breast cancer that is confined to the inside of the ductal system. The distinction between comedo and non-comedo types is important, as comedocarcinoma in-situ generally behaves more aggressively and may show areas of micro-invasion through the ductal wall into surrounding tissue.
Infiltrating Ductal: This is the most common type of breast cancer, representing 78 percent of all malignancies. On mammography, these lesions can appear in two different shapes -- stellate (star- like) or well circumscribed (rounded). The stellate lesions generally have a poorer prognosis.
Medullary Carcinoma: This malignancy comprises 15 percent of breast cancers. These lesions are generally well circumscribed and may be difficult to distinguish from fibroadenoma by mammography or sonography. With this type of breast cancer, prognostic indicators estrogen and progesterone receptor are negative 90 percent of the time. Medullary carcinoma usually has a better prognosis than other types of breast cancer.
Infiltrating Lobular: Representing 15 percent of breast cancers, these lesions generally appear in the upper outer quadrant of the breast as a subtle thickening and are difficult to diagnose by mammography. Infiltrating lobular can involve both breasts (bilateral). Microscopically, these tumors exhibit a linear array of cells and grow around the ducts and lobules.
Tubular Carcinoma: This is described as orderly or well-differentiated carcinoma of the breast. These lesions make up about 2 percent of breast cancers. They have a favorable prognosis with nearly a 95 percent 10-year survival rate.
Mucinous Carcinoma: Represents 1-2 percent of carcinoma of the breast and has a favorable prognosis. These lesions are usually well circumscribed (rounded).
Inflammatory Breast Cancer: This is a particularly aggressive type of breast cancer that is usually evidenced by changes in the skin of the breast including redness (erythema), thickening of the skin and prominence of the hair follicles resembling an orange peel. The diagnosis is made by a skin biopsy, which reveals tumors in the lymphatic and vascular channels about 50 percent of the time.
Stages of Breast Cancer
The most common type of breast cancer is ductal carcinoma. It begins in the lining of the ducts. Another type, called lobular carcinoma, arises in the lobules. When cancer is found, the pathologist can tell what kind of cancer it is - whether it began in a duct (ductal) or a lobule (lobular) and whether it has invaded nearby tissues in the breast (invasive).
When cancer is found, special lab tests of the tissue are usually done to learn more about the cancer. For example, hormone (estrogen and progesterone) receptor tests can help determine whether hormones help the cancer to grow. If test results show that hormones do affect the growth of the cancer (a positive test result), the cancer is likely to respond to hormonal therapy. This therapy deprives the cancer cells of estrogen.
Other tests are sometimes done to help predict whether the cancer is likely to progress. For example, x-rays and other lab tests are done. Sometimes a sample of breast tissue is checked for a gene, known as the human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (HER-2 gene) that is associated with a higher risk that the breast cancer will recur. Special exams of the bones, liver, or lungs are done because breast cancer may spread to these areas.
A woman's treatment options depend on a number of factors. These factors include her age and menopausal status; her general health; the size and location of the tumor and the stage of the cancer; the results of lab tests; and the size of her breast. Certain features of the tumor cells, such as whether they depend on hormones to grow are also considered.
In most cases, the most important factor is the stage of the disease. The stage is based on the size of the tumor and whether the cancer has spread. The following are brief descriptions of the stages of breast cancer and the treatments most often used for each stage. Other treatments may sometimes be appropriate.
Stage 0
Stage 0 is sometimes called non-invasive carcinoma or carcinoma in situ. Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) refers to abnormal cells in the lining of a lobule. These abnormal cells seldom become invasive cancer. However, they are an indicator of an increased risk of developing breast cancer in both breasts. The treatment for LCIS is a drug called tamoxifen, which can reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. A person who is affected may choose not to have treatment, but to monitor the situation by having regular checkups. And occasionally, the decision is made to have surgery to remove both breasts to try to prevent cancer from developing. In most cases, removal of underarm lymph nodes is not necessary.
Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) refers to abnormal cells in the lining of a duct. DCIS is also called intraductal carcinoma. The abnormal cells have not spread beyond the duct to invade the surrounding breast tissue. However, women with DCIS are at an increased risk of getting invasive breast cancer. Some women with DCIS have breast-sparing surgery followed by radiation therapy. Alternatively, they may choose to have a mastectomy, with or without breast reconstruction (plastic surgery) to rebuild the breast. Underarm lymph nodes are not usually removed. Also, women with DCIS may want to talk with their doctor about tamoxifen to reduce the risk of developing invasive breast cancer.
Stage I and II
Stage I and stage II are early stages of breast cancer in which the cancer has spread beyond the lobe or duct and invaded nearby tissue.
Stage I means that the tumor is about one inch across and cancer cells have not spread beyond the breast.
Stage II means one of the following:
The tumor in the breast is less than 1 inch across and the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes under the arm.
The tumor is between 1 and 2 inches (with or without spread to the lymph nodes under the arm).
The tumor is larger than 2 inches but has not spread to the lymph nodes under the arm.
The treatment options for early stage breast cancer are breast-sparing surgery followed by radiation therapy to the breast, and mastectomy, with or without breast reconstruction to rebuild the breast. These approaches are equally effective in treating early stage breast cancer. (Sometimes radiation therapy is also given after mastectomy.)
The choice of breast-sparing surgery or mastectomy depends mostly on the size and location of the tumor, the size of the breast, certain features of the cancer, and how the person feels about preserving the breast. With either approach, lymph nodes under the arm usually are removed.
Chemotherapy and/or hormonal therapy after primary treatment with surgery or surgery and radiation therapy are recommended for stage I and most frequently with stage II breast cancer. This added treatment is called adjuvant therapy. Systemic therapy sometimes given to shrink the tumor before surgeries called neoadjuvant therapy. This is given to try to destroy any remaining cancer cells and prevent the cancer from recurring, or coming back, in the breast or elsewhere.
Stage III
Stage III is also called locally advanced cancer. In this stage, the tumor in the breast may exhibit the following:
More than 2 inches across and the cancer has spread to the underarm lymph nodes.
The cancer is extensive in the underarm lymph nodes.
The cancer is spreading to lymph nodes near the breastbone or to other tissues near the breast.
Inflammatory breast cancer is a type of locally advanced breast cancer. In this type of cancer, the breast looks red and swollen (or inflamed) because cancer cells block the lymph vessels in the skin of the breast.
Patients with stage III breast cancer usually have both local treatment to remove or destroy the cancer in the breast and systemic treatment to stop the disease from spreading. The local treatment may be surgery and/or radiation therapy to the breast and underarm. The systemic treatment may be chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, or both. Systemic therapy may be given before local therapy to shrink the tumor or afterward to prevent the disease from recurring in the breast or elsewhere.
Stage IV
Stage IV is metastatic cancer. The cancer has spread beyond the breast and underarm lymph nodes to other parts of the body.
The treatments for stage IV breast cancer are chemotherapy and/or hormonal therapy to destroy cancer cells and control the disease. Patients may have surgery or radiation therapy to control the cancer in the breast. Radiation may also be useful to control tumors in other parts of the body.
Recurrent Cancer
Recurrent cancer means the disease has returned in spite of the initial treatment. Even when a tumor in the breast seems to have been completely removed or destroyed, the disease sometimes returns because undetected cancer cells remained somewhere in the body after treatment.
Most recurrences appear within the first 2 or 3 years after treatment, but breast cancer can recur many years later.
Cancer that returns only in the area of the surgery is called a local recurrence. If the disease returns in another part of the body, the recurrence is called metastatic breast cancer. The patient may have one type of treatment or a combination of treatments for recurrent cancer.
For more information, see "Nine Ways to Reduce Breast Cancer Risk" on this site.
Sources: National Cancer Institute; Centers for Disease Control
Syble James is a consultant and author with knowledge of the food, beverage, supplements, MLM, and health and fitness industry. She provides consultations to individual and organizations. She can be reached at
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Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
A Natural Cure For Cancer
Cancer is created by natural causes such as excessive consumption of diary products and other excessive acidic foods that cause a very acidic state of existence, surpassing the adequate level of alkalinity required by the body. When there is low oxygen in the cells and low alkalinity, the body's cells become abnormal.
You have 200 different types of cell in your body, which usually live, and grow and multiply in harmony. For example, you always have just the right number of liver cells and white blood cells because there are many different signals that control how much and how often your cells divide. Abnormal multiplication of white blood cells always denote toxicity, imbalance, poison, and foreign invasion of that which is unnatural or that which should not be in the body.
Excessive white blood cell count is almost always indicative of cancer. If any of these signals are faulty or missing, a cell may start to grow and multiply too much - the beginning of cancer. This can happen in almost any type of cell, anywhere in your body. That is why there are many types of cancer like brain cancer, breast cancer; cancer of the cervix and many other types, each name refers to the place where the uncontrolled growth has taken place.
A poor diet, undoubtedly plays a pivotal role in cancer. Excessively cooked meat is another common cause of cancer. Heat produces carcinogens, especially the heat from barbecuing and is a serious causative factor of cancer, especially colon and rectal cancer.
The cure for cancer is found in natural ingredients. Aloe vera is known to cure a myriad of diseases including cancer. Combined with bee's honey, this natural substance has the ability to convey the healing power of aloe vera to the remotest receptors of our organism. The other ingredient is grappa. One may also use whisky or brandy. The best species of aloe vera to use is a mature 'aloe barbadensis' that has reached the age of flowering. Grappa enlarges the blood vessels, allowing for a general detoxification. The blood thus can be purified eliminating infected substances.
To prepare aloe vera mixture you require a blender. Cut about four large leaves of the plant, or a quantity measuring about 400 grams. Clean the leaves well and dry them using a clean towel before chopping off the thorns. Cut the leaves into small pieces and put in a blender. Add ½ kilo bee's honey and 40-50 ml grappa. Blend the mixture for about 20 seconds. The mixture is now ready for use. The dosage recommended is two tablespoonfuls taken 30 minutes before each of the three daily meals. An empty stomach quickly absorbs the healing properties of aloe vera. The mixture is not to be filtered and should be stored in a refrigerator. After the first batch is consumed, it is good for the patient to be clinically tested to evaluate the healing progress. Side effects may occur on those who take this remedy. As organisms of impure substances must be expelled, women patients may experience a discharge; others may experience skin rashes, diarrhea or vomiting. This should not frighten anyone and may not continue for more than three days: indeed it is an indication that one is on the road to recovery. Aloe Vera has very dramatic and impressive anti-cancer effects and has been demonstrated to enhance the immune system's response to cancer, promote the growth of new and healthy cells, and reduce the overall viral load within the body thereby revitalizing the body in its fight against the cancer. This aloe vera preparation is not recommended to pregnant women or breast-feeding mothers. The latex in the whole leaf may trigger uterine contractions.
The writer of this article has administered this preparation to several people with amazing positive results. He is a registered herbal practitioner in Kenya.
John M Mwaura
Article Source:
You have 200 different types of cell in your body, which usually live, and grow and multiply in harmony. For example, you always have just the right number of liver cells and white blood cells because there are many different signals that control how much and how often your cells divide. Abnormal multiplication of white blood cells always denote toxicity, imbalance, poison, and foreign invasion of that which is unnatural or that which should not be in the body.
Excessive white blood cell count is almost always indicative of cancer. If any of these signals are faulty or missing, a cell may start to grow and multiply too much - the beginning of cancer. This can happen in almost any type of cell, anywhere in your body. That is why there are many types of cancer like brain cancer, breast cancer; cancer of the cervix and many other types, each name refers to the place where the uncontrolled growth has taken place.
A poor diet, undoubtedly plays a pivotal role in cancer. Excessively cooked meat is another common cause of cancer. Heat produces carcinogens, especially the heat from barbecuing and is a serious causative factor of cancer, especially colon and rectal cancer.
The cure for cancer is found in natural ingredients. Aloe vera is known to cure a myriad of diseases including cancer. Combined with bee's honey, this natural substance has the ability to convey the healing power of aloe vera to the remotest receptors of our organism. The other ingredient is grappa. One may also use whisky or brandy. The best species of aloe vera to use is a mature 'aloe barbadensis' that has reached the age of flowering. Grappa enlarges the blood vessels, allowing for a general detoxification. The blood thus can be purified eliminating infected substances.
To prepare aloe vera mixture you require a blender. Cut about four large leaves of the plant, or a quantity measuring about 400 grams. Clean the leaves well and dry them using a clean towel before chopping off the thorns. Cut the leaves into small pieces and put in a blender. Add ½ kilo bee's honey and 40-50 ml grappa. Blend the mixture for about 20 seconds. The mixture is now ready for use. The dosage recommended is two tablespoonfuls taken 30 minutes before each of the three daily meals. An empty stomach quickly absorbs the healing properties of aloe vera. The mixture is not to be filtered and should be stored in a refrigerator. After the first batch is consumed, it is good for the patient to be clinically tested to evaluate the healing progress. Side effects may occur on those who take this remedy. As organisms of impure substances must be expelled, women patients may experience a discharge; others may experience skin rashes, diarrhea or vomiting. This should not frighten anyone and may not continue for more than three days: indeed it is an indication that one is on the road to recovery. Aloe Vera has very dramatic and impressive anti-cancer effects and has been demonstrated to enhance the immune system's response to cancer, promote the growth of new and healthy cells, and reduce the overall viral load within the body thereby revitalizing the body in its fight against the cancer. This aloe vera preparation is not recommended to pregnant women or breast-feeding mothers. The latex in the whole leaf may trigger uterine contractions.
The writer of this article has administered this preparation to several people with amazing positive results. He is a registered herbal practitioner in Kenya.
John M Mwaura
Article Source:
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
How to Prevent Cancer
If you want to prevent or protect yourself against cancer or even reverse or stop cancer, there are certain destructive habits you need to keep off of such as smoking, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and dairy.
Don't tell me that you are a habitual smoker, that you cannot stop smoking or that you have tried and failed.
The facts are there.
Smoking causes cancer in smokers.
Smoking causes cancer for none smokers who inhales what is puffed out by the smoker.
You cannot be healthy and smoke, even if you look healthy today, in the end it will catch up with you.
Sugar is one useless and poisonous substance that has no real value to us, it is a known fact that cancer cells love sugar and thrive on it. What sugar does to man is sickening, yet man is consuming sugar as if his life depends on it. Sugar helps the cancer cells to produce lactic acid which facilities the body to form new blood vessels that carry fresh blood supply to the tumor to help it grow, it also help cancer cells to spread more rapidly.
On the other hand, caffeine is another substance worth not taken, it is an acid forming substance. In most energy drink, tea and coffee, you have substantial amount of it, who wants to beat, reverse, stop or prevent cancer? Just forget about caffeine, just give it up, if you love tea so much, make sure is one without it, like green tea.
Alcohol: this is the chief of them all, directly competing with sugar. It kills the body cells, irritates and inhibits digestion, alters your blood chemistry and composition,in addition it destroys the oxygen in your brain region. Alcohol is poisonous to your body, it also competes with nicotine in undoing your body.
We are in a free world if you want to drink you are free, no one is going to stop you, it is a question of choice, you are only enhancing your demise.
Who wants to reverse, stop, cure or prevent against cancer, keep off alcohol, it is poison to your system.
What about diary product? Do you have your doubts, if you want to stop, cure or reverse cancer say bye-bye to diary and its products?
Numerous studies exist that link milk to whole range of diseases like, headaches, constipation, runny nose, diarrhea, bloating, sinusitis, abdominal pain, cramps and mental depression.
Moreover milk and diary products create a lining on the walls of one's stomach and intestine thereby preventing the absorption of vitamins and minerals.
The artificial way of rearing cows has contributed to make milk unsafe for us, cows are reared with growth hormones to reduce their maturity period, with this, cows now grow from 100 pounds to 1000 pounds in a short period of two years.
The residues from this hormones and pesticides are then passed to us through drinking of milk and diary products.
If you must drink milk, it must be from free range or organic products, but there is a qualification here, most of these cows are kept in very in human conditions without clean bedding or a clean place to rest, because of the environment they are kept, the facilitate the spread of disease.
Did I hear anybody say impossible, how can we get the much required calcium?
Well man is the only mammals in the whole universe that consume the milk and by products of another specie for the purpose of getting milk, if one may ask, how does other animals in the animal kingdom get their own calcium requirement?
Well, that is by the way, there are other sources of calcium available to us, vegetables abound if eaten regularly will provide a ready or more safer calcium required for our bodies, such as spinach, eggs, kale, flax-seed nuts and broccoli.
Who wants to cure or stop cancer? If you want to, keep off milk and other diary products.
The war against cancer is one war, we just must win, if you want to win the war against cancer, visit:, where you will have access to information that will aid you defeat Cancer.
Stay Positively posted.
Yours in the struggle for a Cancer free society.
Egwu Chukwuemeka U Inya
Egwu chukwuemeka U Inya is an alternative Cancer treatment Researcher and Consultant.He is also a student of Naturopathy.
For more comprehensive and insightful articles and solutions on how to cure cancer you are free to visit:
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Don't tell me that you are a habitual smoker, that you cannot stop smoking or that you have tried and failed.
The facts are there.
Smoking causes cancer in smokers.
Smoking causes cancer for none smokers who inhales what is puffed out by the smoker.
You cannot be healthy and smoke, even if you look healthy today, in the end it will catch up with you.
Sugar is one useless and poisonous substance that has no real value to us, it is a known fact that cancer cells love sugar and thrive on it. What sugar does to man is sickening, yet man is consuming sugar as if his life depends on it. Sugar helps the cancer cells to produce lactic acid which facilities the body to form new blood vessels that carry fresh blood supply to the tumor to help it grow, it also help cancer cells to spread more rapidly.
On the other hand, caffeine is another substance worth not taken, it is an acid forming substance. In most energy drink, tea and coffee, you have substantial amount of it, who wants to beat, reverse, stop or prevent cancer? Just forget about caffeine, just give it up, if you love tea so much, make sure is one without it, like green tea.
Alcohol: this is the chief of them all, directly competing with sugar. It kills the body cells, irritates and inhibits digestion, alters your blood chemistry and composition,in addition it destroys the oxygen in your brain region. Alcohol is poisonous to your body, it also competes with nicotine in undoing your body.
We are in a free world if you want to drink you are free, no one is going to stop you, it is a question of choice, you are only enhancing your demise.
Who wants to reverse, stop, cure or prevent against cancer, keep off alcohol, it is poison to your system.
What about diary product? Do you have your doubts, if you want to stop, cure or reverse cancer say bye-bye to diary and its products?
Numerous studies exist that link milk to whole range of diseases like, headaches, constipation, runny nose, diarrhea, bloating, sinusitis, abdominal pain, cramps and mental depression.
Moreover milk and diary products create a lining on the walls of one's stomach and intestine thereby preventing the absorption of vitamins and minerals.
The artificial way of rearing cows has contributed to make milk unsafe for us, cows are reared with growth hormones to reduce their maturity period, with this, cows now grow from 100 pounds to 1000 pounds in a short period of two years.
The residues from this hormones and pesticides are then passed to us through drinking of milk and diary products.
If you must drink milk, it must be from free range or organic products, but there is a qualification here, most of these cows are kept in very in human conditions without clean bedding or a clean place to rest, because of the environment they are kept, the facilitate the spread of disease.
Did I hear anybody say impossible, how can we get the much required calcium?
Well man is the only mammals in the whole universe that consume the milk and by products of another specie for the purpose of getting milk, if one may ask, how does other animals in the animal kingdom get their own calcium requirement?
Well, that is by the way, there are other sources of calcium available to us, vegetables abound if eaten regularly will provide a ready or more safer calcium required for our bodies, such as spinach, eggs, kale, flax-seed nuts and broccoli.
Who wants to cure or stop cancer? If you want to, keep off milk and other diary products.
The war against cancer is one war, we just must win, if you want to win the war against cancer, visit:, where you will have access to information that will aid you defeat Cancer.
Stay Positively posted.
Yours in the struggle for a Cancer free society.
Egwu Chukwuemeka U Inya
Egwu chukwuemeka U Inya is an alternative Cancer treatment Researcher and Consultant.He is also a student of Naturopathy.
For more comprehensive and insightful articles and solutions on how to cure cancer you are free to visit:
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Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Every person should be aware of cancer symptoms in other to facilitate the process to cure cancer. Based on the knowledge of these symptoms, it is also important that the person affected should undergo necessary examination so as to make sure that he/she does not die of any of the forms of cancer. It is not intended to imply that every individual will have cancer, but cancer is a possibility that everyone must face. It is necessary to be aware of the danger and to face it intelligently and courageously. It is important to know that even the most skilled surgeons cannot cure cancer if the cancer has progressed too far before it is discovered.
In other to prevent cancer, a person should be on the look-out for any condition likely to cause cancer or for the earliest symptoms of what may be developing cancer. The appearance of any one of the following under listed six symptoms, should lead to a prompt examination to determine whether or not cancer is present:
1. A lump or thickening in the breast or any other part of the body. Women especially, should regularly feel their breasts and if a lump is found, report should be made to a doctor fast.
2. Unusual bleeding or discharge. Blood in the urine may be a symptom of bladder or kidney cancer; blood or mucus in the stools may be a symptom of bowel cancer as well. Any unusual vaginal discharge or bleeding might be a symptom of cancer of the reproductive organs.
3. Nagging cough or chronic hoarseness. A persistent cough, especially if there is spitting of blood and a loss of weight may be a symptom of lung cancer.
4. Any changes in bowel or bladder habits. These might indicate a symptom of the cancer of colon, bladder or prostate.
5. Persistent indigestion or loss of appetite. This usually occurs in the life of people that are over 40 years of age; difficulty in swallowing of food can also be an evidence of the symptoms of stomach cancer or cancer of the oesophagus or throat.
6. Any sore on the lips or tongue or skin that does not heal readily. This could be a symptom that mouth or skin cancer is developing.
It is firmly established that the earlier a person becomes aware of the above cancer symptoms and he/she consults a doctor and receives proper treatment in time, the better are the prospects to cure cancer.
In other to prevent cancer, a person should be on the look-out for any condition likely to cause cancer or for the earliest symptoms of what may be developing cancer. The appearance of any one of the following under listed six symptoms, should lead to a prompt examination to determine whether or not cancer is present:
1. A lump or thickening in the breast or any other part of the body. Women especially, should regularly feel their breasts and if a lump is found, report should be made to a doctor fast.
2. Unusual bleeding or discharge. Blood in the urine may be a symptom of bladder or kidney cancer; blood or mucus in the stools may be a symptom of bowel cancer as well. Any unusual vaginal discharge or bleeding might be a symptom of cancer of the reproductive organs.
3. Nagging cough or chronic hoarseness. A persistent cough, especially if there is spitting of blood and a loss of weight may be a symptom of lung cancer.
4. Any changes in bowel or bladder habits. These might indicate a symptom of the cancer of colon, bladder or prostate.
5. Persistent indigestion or loss of appetite. This usually occurs in the life of people that are over 40 years of age; difficulty in swallowing of food can also be an evidence of the symptoms of stomach cancer or cancer of the oesophagus or throat.
6. Any sore on the lips or tongue or skin that does not heal readily. This could be a symptom that mouth or skin cancer is developing.
It is firmly established that the earlier a person becomes aware of the above cancer symptoms and he/she consults a doctor and receives proper treatment in time, the better are the prospects to cure cancer.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Cancer Diet - 10 Super Foods to Fight Cancer
John Wayne called it "The Big C". More than 25 years after the famed actor's death, however, research has pointed the way toward cancer prevention through consuming a cancer diet, rich with foods to fight cancer. There are ten super foods to fight cancer that should be included in every cancer diet:
(1) Garlic - one of the best foods to boost the body's immune system. Garlic has been revered for ages for its healing properties, but recent studies have proven that garlic consumption, along with its cousins onions, leeks and chives, also helps reduce the risk of stomach and colon cancers.
(2) Broccoli - not one of former President Bush's favorites, but who can argue about the powers of its chemical ingredient indol-3-carbinol, a proven breast cancer fighter.
(3) Red Grapes - rich in bioflavinoids and resveratrol, both proven to be able to suppress the enzymes that encourage cancer cell growth.
(4) Tomatoes - contain the antioxidant lycopene proven to help prevent prostate and colon cancers, so make sure the men in your life consume plenty of tomato-based products.
(5) Mushrooms -Shiitake and reishi varieties help to build the body's immune system and fight cancer cells.
(6) Sweet Potatoes - the beta-carotene contained in this potato variety shields the body's cells from cancer invasion.
(7) Blueberries - the most powerful berry variety for antioxidants.
(8) Papayas - this tropical fruit is a Vitamin C powerhouse, a known cancer inhibitor.
(9) Flax - flax seed and flax seed oil are very high in omega-3 fatty acids which are proven cancer fighters.
(10) Avocados - the powerful antioxidants in this rich and creamy fruit is especially helpful in fighting liver cancer.
I hope that you got something from this article. With the toxins and stress surrounding our society, more people should be aware of this threat. Amongst the top 3 types of cancer is colon cancer. Unfortunately, there are many people that don't know about this and they don't realize that they're causing themselves harm. If you'd like to learn more about detoxifying your body through a natural colon cleanse and promoting colon health, please visit
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(1) Garlic - one of the best foods to boost the body's immune system. Garlic has been revered for ages for its healing properties, but recent studies have proven that garlic consumption, along with its cousins onions, leeks and chives, also helps reduce the risk of stomach and colon cancers.
(2) Broccoli - not one of former President Bush's favorites, but who can argue about the powers of its chemical ingredient indol-3-carbinol, a proven breast cancer fighter.
(3) Red Grapes - rich in bioflavinoids and resveratrol, both proven to be able to suppress the enzymes that encourage cancer cell growth.
(4) Tomatoes - contain the antioxidant lycopene proven to help prevent prostate and colon cancers, so make sure the men in your life consume plenty of tomato-based products.
(5) Mushrooms -Shiitake and reishi varieties help to build the body's immune system and fight cancer cells.
(6) Sweet Potatoes - the beta-carotene contained in this potato variety shields the body's cells from cancer invasion.
(7) Blueberries - the most powerful berry variety for antioxidants.
(8) Papayas - this tropical fruit is a Vitamin C powerhouse, a known cancer inhibitor.
(9) Flax - flax seed and flax seed oil are very high in omega-3 fatty acids which are proven cancer fighters.
(10) Avocados - the powerful antioxidants in this rich and creamy fruit is especially helpful in fighting liver cancer.
I hope that you got something from this article. With the toxins and stress surrounding our society, more people should be aware of this threat. Amongst the top 3 types of cancer is colon cancer. Unfortunately, there are many people that don't know about this and they don't realize that they're causing themselves harm. If you'd like to learn more about detoxifying your body through a natural colon cleanse and promoting colon health, please visit
Article Source:
3 Easy Tips to Help Your Body to Prevent Cancer?
Sure you know how doctors treat cancer (i.e. chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery), and you know how detect cancer early by looking for certain signs, but has anyone ever taught you how to prevent cancer. There is much that you can do to make your body healthier, and a healthier body will fight cancer much better.
First you should alkalize your body. Studies have shown that almost all diseases that run through the blood need an acidic environment to live in. Optimal health for a human being is shown to have an slightly alkaline body. There are many ways to do this, just look for it on the internet, but the main point is to eat more fruit and vegetables, and too cut back on chemically, processed foods.
Another thing you should do is boost your immune system, so you can fight off disease and infections. In addition to boosting your immune system, you should also try to cut out stress. Stress, anxiety, and pressures of that sort all decrease your bodies ability to fight off disease. Then you should also be getting at least 7-9 hours of sleep every night to keep your body functioning properly.
The last thing you should do is eat more cancer fighting foods and supplements, while cutting out harmful foods. You should try to eat whole foods all the time, and avoid non-organic foods if possible. This will help to cut out all the man-made chemicals that are in processed foods. Some good cancer fighting foods are blueberries, pomegranates, almonds and coconuts. There are also things you should cut out or eat in moderation. Some are sugar, coffee, cigarettes, and meat. As long as you are adding more cancer fighting foods to your diet, and cutting out the cancer causing substances, then you will be preparing your body to fight cancer.
Cancer is a very serious disease and not one to be taken lightly, but alternative cancer cures can help. 8 out of every 10 patients, given all the conventional treatments that they can receive, will still die, but alternative and natural cures can help improve those odds dramatically. To learn more info on alternative cancer cures, click here Also check out my alternative cancer cure blog, that has articles pertaining to treatments and theories.
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First you should alkalize your body. Studies have shown that almost all diseases that run through the blood need an acidic environment to live in. Optimal health for a human being is shown to have an slightly alkaline body. There are many ways to do this, just look for it on the internet, but the main point is to eat more fruit and vegetables, and too cut back on chemically, processed foods.
Another thing you should do is boost your immune system, so you can fight off disease and infections. In addition to boosting your immune system, you should also try to cut out stress. Stress, anxiety, and pressures of that sort all decrease your bodies ability to fight off disease. Then you should also be getting at least 7-9 hours of sleep every night to keep your body functioning properly.
The last thing you should do is eat more cancer fighting foods and supplements, while cutting out harmful foods. You should try to eat whole foods all the time, and avoid non-organic foods if possible. This will help to cut out all the man-made chemicals that are in processed foods. Some good cancer fighting foods are blueberries, pomegranates, almonds and coconuts. There are also things you should cut out or eat in moderation. Some are sugar, coffee, cigarettes, and meat. As long as you are adding more cancer fighting foods to your diet, and cutting out the cancer causing substances, then you will be preparing your body to fight cancer.
Cancer is a very serious disease and not one to be taken lightly, but alternative cancer cures can help. 8 out of every 10 patients, given all the conventional treatments that they can receive, will still die, but alternative and natural cures can help improve those odds dramatically. To learn more info on alternative cancer cures, click here Also check out my alternative cancer cure blog, that has articles pertaining to treatments and theories.
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