Thursday, October 1, 2009

3 Easy Tips to Help Your Body to Prevent Cancer?

Sure you know how doctors treat cancer (i.e. chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery), and you know how detect cancer early by looking for certain signs, but has anyone ever taught you how to prevent cancer. There is much that you can do to make your body healthier, and a healthier body will fight cancer much better.

First you should alkalize your body. Studies have shown that almost all diseases that run through the blood need an acidic environment to live in. Optimal health for a human being is shown to have an slightly alkaline body. There are many ways to do this, just look for it on the internet, but the main point is to eat more fruit and vegetables, and too cut back on chemically, processed foods.

Another thing you should do is boost your immune system, so you can fight off disease and infections. In addition to boosting your immune system, you should also try to cut out stress. Stress, anxiety, and pressures of that sort all decrease your bodies ability to fight off disease. Then you should also be getting at least 7-9 hours of sleep every night to keep your body functioning properly.

The last thing you should do is eat more cancer fighting foods and supplements, while cutting out harmful foods. You should try to eat whole foods all the time, and avoid non-organic foods if possible. This will help to cut out all the man-made chemicals that are in processed foods. Some good cancer fighting foods are blueberries, pomegranates, almonds and coconuts. There are also things you should cut out or eat in moderation. Some are sugar, coffee, cigarettes, and meat. As long as you are adding more cancer fighting foods to your diet, and cutting out the cancer causing substances, then you will be preparing your body to fight cancer.

Cancer is a very serious disease and not one to be taken lightly, but alternative cancer cures can help. 8 out of every 10 patients, given all the conventional treatments that they can receive, will still die, but alternative and natural cures can help improve those odds dramatically. To learn more info on alternative cancer cures, click here Also check out my alternative cancer cure blog, that has articles pertaining to treatments and theories.
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